Need a Custom Crossword?


Your very own puzzle genie is standing by!

If you think you can’t have a fully interlocked, NYT-style crossword built around a topic of your choice, think again! I offer my services to anyone looking for a truly unique gift, and all it takes is an email explaining the situation and the time frame. Then I can respond with an appropriate fee (standard fee based on two weeks notice).

custom_2Custom Puzzles are the perfect unique gift for that special puzzle person in your life. I’ve done a bunch of custom work for birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings, but any occasion can be commemorated with a custom crossword. By the time we’re done, you’ll have a handsome PDF of the puzzle and the answer, suitable for framing or for duplication and distribution.

custom_3After hiring me, you’ll need to provide as many words and phrases pertaining to the topic as possible. If the puzzle is for Uncle Ed’s birthday, give me a list of his family members and hobbies, for instance. Some people prefer to type up a list while others use a paragraph format; either is fine with me! I’ll use as many of your personalized words and phrases as possible (the shorter the better) without sacrificing the overall quality of the puzzle.