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ONLY 24 HOURS LEFT for my Kickstarter campaign: Piece of Cake Crosswords! Please consider helping me reach my goal, which is to construct and deliver an easy-but-fun crossword to your inbox every week for a year. No more crosswordese like URIAH and OVA—hooray! It’s going to be a terrific set of fun, solvable puzzles, and I’d really appreciate any support you can give.

Hope you’re all having a great October. Just a quick update about my Kickstarter campaign, which has ONLY 26 HOURS TO GO. Kickstarter is ALL OR NOTHING, so it’s going to be an exciting 26 hours around here!

In case you missed them, I wrote a handful of bonus puzzles during the course of the campaign. Here are links to all the PDFs:
1) “Easy as AABBCC” is the sample xword that lived on the project page the entire time.
2) “Classified Ad” is a bonus xword sent to backers on 10/7.
3) “Trivia Night” is a multiple-choice survey about various aspects of www.patrickspuzzles.com.
4) “Baby Talk” is a bonus xword sent to backers on 10/18.
5) “Boo!” is a riddle-locked bonus xword sent via Kickstarter Update this morning.

I hope you enjoy them and consider spreading the word about my project in the 24 hours which remain. Thanks for reading!
