Broadway Puzzlefest
available now!

Bust out your jazz hands for my Broadway Puzzlefest, How to Succeed on Broadway Without Really Trying, which contains 10 crosswords ranging from easy to hard. Each puzzle has a Broadway-inspired theme and also leads to a final answer. These answers will be used at the end to solve one final challenge, the meta-puzzle. Here’s a sample puz from my Piece of Cake series for you to try. This Puzzlefest is sure to put a smile on your face and a song in your heart. Buy now using the link below, and I’ll invite you to a private Google Group where you can access the PDF. Only $20!
Space Puzzlefest

Prepare for liftoff with my Out-of-This-World Space Puzzlefest! It’s an interconnected suite of 14 puzzles, 13 crosswords and a bonus logic puzzle. The puzzles increase with [show_more more=”Read More” less=”Read Less“]difficult as you progress, from Wednesday-level moderate to Saturday-level tough. Each puzzle has a space-related theme and also leads to a short phrase. These phrases are used at the end to solve one final challenge, the meta-puzzle. Out-of-This-World Space Puzzlefest will send you on an interstellar journey of puzzly proportions. Only $15![/show_more]
College Puzzlefest

Ever wanted to earn your Honorary Bachelor’s Degree in Enigmatology? Well, now you can! College Puzzlefest is an interconnected suite of 12 puzzles, all crosswords. The puzzles [show_more more=”Read More” less=”Read Less“]increase with difficulty as you progress, from Monday-level easy to Saturday-level tough. Each puzzle has a college-related theme and also leads to a short answer. These answers are used at the end to solve one final challenge, the meta-puzzle. Hope to see you in the halls at Xword University. Buy my College Puzzlefest before the semester runs out! Only $15! [/show_more]
Vegas Puzzlefest

Finally: you can visit Vegas from the comfort of your armchair, all thanks to my Vegas Puzzlefest. It’s an interconnected suite of 11 crosswords of various shapes and sizes.[show_more more=”Read More” less=”Read Less“]The puzzles increase with difficult as you progress, from Wednesday-level moderate to Saturday-level tough. Each puzzle has a Vegas-related theme and also leads to a short answer. These answers are used at the end to solve one final challenge, the meta-puzzle. You’ll hit the jackpot with my Vegas Puzzlefest. You can bet on it. Only $15! [/show_more]
Musical Puzzlefest

Crosswords meant to get you humming and tapping your toe are what you’ll find in my Musical Puzzlefest, which is an interconnected suite of 9 puzzles plus a special bonus[show_more more=”Read More” less=”Read Less“]puzzle (all crosswords). The puzzles increase with difficult as you progress, from Monday-level easy to Saturday-level tough. Each puzzle has a music-related theme and also leads to a short answer. These answers are used at the end to solve one final challenge, the meta-puzzle. You’ll have a song in your heart with my Musical Puzzlefest. Only $15! [/show_more]
Summer Puzzlefest

Whether you’re at the beach or beside the pool, summer is the perfect time for relaxing and solving crosswords. Crosswords like my Summer Puzzlefest, which is an interconnected[show_more more=”Read More” less=”Read Less“]suite of 11 puzzles: 10 crosswords and one diagramless puzzle (a crossword in which the solver has to figure out where the black squares go). The puzzles increase with difficult as you progress, from Monday-level easy to Saturday-level tough. Each puzzle has a travel-related theme and also leads to a two-part answer. These answers are used at the end to solve one final challenge, the meta-puzzle. Hit the open road with my Summer Puzzlefest. Only $15![/show_more]
Holiday Puzzlefest

It’s time to party—crossword-style! My Holiday Puzzlefest is an interconnected suite of 13 puzzles: 11 crosswords, one diagramless puzzle (a crossword in which the solver has to figure[show_more more=”Read More” less=”Read Less“]out where the black squares go), and one wordoku puzzle (a sudoku that uses letters instead of numbers). The puzzles increase with difficulty as you progress, from Monday-level easy to Saturday-level tough. Each puzzle has a holiday-related theme and also leads to a letter of the alphabet. These letters are used at the end to solve one final challenge, the meta-puzzle. Let the good times roll with my Holiday Puzzlefest. Egg nog not included. Only $15![/show_more]